Enhanced Race Results - Improved and Expanded

We thought we'd do a quick refresher for those of you that haven't heard of our "Enhanced Results" feature (http://slowtwitch.com/enhancedresults) - or for those of you that haven't visited in a while.

What are Enhanced Results? Simple, really - we take the official race results for major IM and HIM races and then, with the help of some excel ninjitsu, add a bunch of additional fields that you might find interesting or that might help you analyze your race and identify opportunites for improvement.

For example, you can see what your position was at each stage of the race (including after transitions) and also how many people you passed (or passed you) in each segment - all by Age Group, Gender, or Overall and how you stack up from a percentile perspective.

We just added Enhanced Results for some small race in Hawaii.

Over the course of this year, we've also added:
-Coeur d'Alene
-New York City
-Lake Placid
-Mont Tremblant
-Kansas (70.3)
-Vegas (70.3)

We're currently working on some improvements (which you can see if you download the "BETA" Kona sheet) - when those are finished, we'll be making those changes to the old results as well.

As usual, if you have any suggestions, or if there is a specific race that you're interested in seeing "enhanced", you can email Craig at craigdharris@slowtwitch.com and he'll see what he can do.
