QR X-PR: For $4,495, 12-Speed Electronic Shifting and Adjustability

Quintana Roo's New X-PR

Fit Ready and Its Implications

Quintana Roo's New Superbike: The V-PR

QR's PRfive Disc: Easy to Buy, and Easy to Live With

The Fast Blue QR PRsix2 of Allan Hovda

QR's New PRSix2: Slowman's Build

The trick Quintana Roo PRsix of Allan Hovda

Quintana Roo's PRFour

The black and neon yellow QR PRsix of Joe Gambles

The red Roo of Matt Hanson

QR Discifies its PR6

Simple, Cheap and Fast, All At Once

The Orange Crush of Timo Bracht

QR PR6: For Want of a Stem

Quintana Roo's New PR3

The fine QR PRsix of Lasse Ibert

Quintana Roo unveils PRfive bike

Timo Bracht's Quintana Roo PRsix

QR's PRsix for 2015

Matt Hanson's QR PR6

Callum Millward's QR PR6

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