There are huge differences in how you can pull underwater with your arm; differences in power and differences in frontal drag. But, like so many aspects of swimming technique, the underwater pull ...
Most swimmers think of the legs as only providing some propulsion. The kick actually serves four different functions in the swimming stroke; propulsion, lift, stabilizing force, and sustain speed (in ...
2010 St. Anthony's Triathlon Champion Cameron Dye swam for the University of Iowa and shared a few thoughts about hand paddles. They are a great tool for swimming indeed, but are apparently often ...
Gary Hall, Sr., demonstrates, and explains, hip- versus shoulder-driven freestyle. Which technique is best for you? One, the other, or something in between?
The sport of triathlon has lost eight of its competitors during races in the United States so far in 2008. The good news: so far our roads have been safe. The bad news: so far the water has been ...
Slowtwitch asked four top national-caliber swim coaches to answer this question: What are the four common problems adult swimmers face, and what are the remedies? First up: Tim Sheeper.
All swimming coaches have their own opinions on how one should kick; the significance of kicking as part of a workout; and what kicking means to the swim stroke overall.
You’ve probably heard the phrases "feel for the water" or "catch," and if you’ve watched the top swimmers you’ve probably noticed that their bodies seem to glide over the water. Well, they are ...
While most of the articles featured in Swim Center are penned by extremely accomplished swimmers, it's almost counterproductive to have a swimmer like that write about tactics. How would they know? ...
New triathletes—or triathletes new to the ocean—are quite often scared to death of negotiating waves during an open-ocean swim. Wouldn’t you like to be able to go through the waves without ...
The issue of proper wetsuit care -- notwithstanding the fluidic medium in which a wetsuit is used-- is rather concrete, and not subject to the changing tides of theory.
This little-known condition often affects highly-trained athletes, and is often misdiagnosed as congestive heart failure. Read triathletes' first-hand accounts, along with the etiology and preventive ...