This story has been updated to include statements from the ITA and Rodolphe von Berg, Sr., as well as to reference that Laidlow has deleted the Instagram post.
IRONMAN World Champion Sam Laidlow announced today that he is under an International Testing Agency (ITA) investigation for alleged anti-doping violations.
Laidlow posted to Instagram to announce the ongoing investigation, saying that "Today I am disgusted. Today I am saddened...I have poured my heart and soul into my performances recent world title. I know who I am and I am willing to expose all my past medical exams and blood passport."
Laidlow's post, which has since been deleted from Instagram, indicated that he believed the investigation's source was Rodolphe von Berg Sr., the father of fourth place finisher Rudy von Berg, and then listed "names in beneath have now become my enemy and I will never let go of the rain you have poured onto my career for no reason."
Mr. von Berg Sr. replied twice on Instagram, stating in one that "All my life, I have fought for a Triathlon Free of Doping(sp). I stand by what I wrote in a PRIVATE(sp) email that should never have been shared. My son (Rudy von Berg) was not involved in any way." The second post may be found here.
The contents of the email have not been revealed, and it is unclear as to whether the email was any part or source of ITA's current investigatory work.
Responding to our request for comment, the ITA released a statement to us: "It is not for the ITA to comment on the content of the post (by Mr. Laidlow on Instagram)."
"On a general note, we can confirm that the ITA receives on a regular basis through its confidential reporting platform REVEAL suspicions of doping or alleged anti-doping rule violations across the over 50 sports that the ITA oversees internationally."
"...the ITA cannot comment on the existence of or the status of any ongoing investigations but we would like to assure the triathlon community that all information brought to our attention is meticulously assessed in full independence and always with the interests of the athletes to compete in a fair environment in mind. All allegations must be supported by sufficient verifiable evidence and be free from deliberate tarnishing, otherwise the presumption of innocence applies."
Update October 23, 2023: Mr. Laidlow took down his original Instagram post containing the announcement. He posted an Instagram story, which stated in part "I have archived my recent post concerning the accusations as I want to move on and pursue what needs to be done professionally." As an Instagram story, it will most likely disappear from the platform on the 24th.