You’ve probably heard the phrases "feel for the water" or "catch," and if you’ve watched the top swimmers you’ve probably noticed that their bodies seem to glide over the water. Well, they are ...
All swimming coaches have their own opinions on how one should kick; the significance of kicking as part of a workout; and what kicking means to the swim stroke overall.
New triathletes—or triathletes new to the ocean—are quite often scared to death of negotiating waves during an open-ocean swim. Wouldn’t you like to be able to go through the waves without ...
While most of the articles featured in Swim Center are penned by extremely accomplished swimmers, it's almost counterproductive to have a swimmer like that write about tactics. How would they know? ...
The issue of proper wetsuit care -- notwithstanding the fluidic medium in which a wetsuit is used-- is rather concrete, and not subject to the changing tides of theory.
I believe just about every reasonably fit male the age of 45 has the theoretical physiological capacity to run his age for a 10k, that is, a 10k in 45 minutes.
After a base of solid distance running has been established, a runner can add interval training to complete the elements needed for optimal racing fitness.
It is true that runners well below their maximum training load can increase any aspect of their training––including doing more slow and steady running––and see improved racing results.
Every once in awhile there will be a good running coach who will have some success. This will seem like the way to do things, until the next System is discovered.
Neither the Lance Armstrong foundation nor the purple-jerseyed TnTers who fatten multisport's starting lines formed the first intersection between triathlon and cancer.
As doping scandals savage the sport of cycling, and track & field reels from a positive test by a world record holder, many triathletes wonder about the state of drug use in their sport.
Yes, your favorite companies' product managers were all over in Taipei working on next year's bikes. They're working hard, no-doubt, but are they designing and spec'ing good bikes?
With Interbike right around the corner I thought I'd write a bit about how the bike business works—not everything about it, but the nuts and bolts of how a bike gets from the "paper napkin sketch" ...
One would be hard-pressed to come up with an industry, activity or economy in which one single trademark is more powerful or over-arching than in triathlon, and the trade name is Ironman.
Races are hard to produce. The bigger the race, the bigger the headache; the greater the expense; the more hand-wringing the stress; the more sleep-depriving the risk.