I was behind the curve on the Specialized saddles. This snuck up on me. These saddles have been a big hit and seem to be used both for road and tri. Specialized has been a big saddle seller for years, partly because it makes good saddles, and partly because it had the original prescriptive saddle system with BG Fit. But a lot of people – me included – have been scratching our heads wondering what people saw in the popular Toupe and Romin saddles.
Anecdotally the Specialized Power saddles have made happy customers out of those who tried and discarded Specialized's prior road saddles. “Just switched to it on my road bike from a Toupe then a Romin,” wrote one Slowtwitcher on a
current thread on saddles. Longtime Slowtwitcher Dev Paul prefers the Sitero (pictured above), which is Specialized's dedicated tri saddle, to the Power saddle. But Dev is referring now to his tri needs, and the Power saddle was not made to be a tri saddle.
The Power saddle is really catching on in road. Its use in tri seems limited to a distinct kind of rider. “The tri/TT customers who like it are usually those that have some aversion to riding on the nose of a saddle,” writes Athletes Lounge manager Scott Benjamin.
Cobb's saddles are the most versatile, with the most range, when considering all the tri saddle brands. If stranded on a desert island with one saddle brand, it would have to be Cobb, because of this range. It has
not got all the versatility of ISM when talking just noseless saddles (no brand does), but the V Flow and Randee round out the Cobb line nicely. The Randee has robbed the V Flow series of sales, but the V Flow still needs to be in every fitter's studio.
There are several saddles that look vaguely alike. Bontrager's RXL Hilo, the Specialized Sitero, the Fabric Tri (pictured below, and Fabric is a Cannondale brand just as Bontrager is a Trek brand), Prologo's T Gale, and Pro Aerofuel (pictured further below) all split the difference between standard and noseless saddles. Are they not simply
noseless, but
useless, as they are just a half-measure, fulfilling the duty of neither a road nor a tri saddle? Not according to Slowtwitchers.